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Public events: 


March 20–24, 2017 | Santiago, Chile

Professor Fenves visited the Instituto de Humanidades at Universidad Diego Portales (UDP) in Chile to initiate the Mellon collaboration with Professor Sabrovsky.

Fall 2017 | Northwestern and Universidad Diego Portales

Professor Fenves visited the Instituto de Humanidades at Universidad Diego Portales (UDP) in Chile to initiate the Mellon collaboration with Professor Sabrovsky.

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November 2017

The translation of Professor Sabrovsky’s book, De lo extraordinario, is underway. Javier Burdman, doctoral candidate in Political Science at Northwestern, is undertaking the translation and Fenves will provide an "Introduction for the English-Language Edition."

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Professor Fenves responds to Professor Sabrovsky.

November 10–13, 2017 | Northwestern

Professor Sabrovsky participated in "Transformations of Critical Theory," the inaugural workshop of the Critical Theory in the Global South Project. On November 13, he and Professor Fenves led a teach-in for graduate students on the theme "Carl Schmitt: As his Own Most Enemy."

November 10–13, 2017 | Northwestern

Professor Sabrovsky participated in "Transformations of Critical Theory," the inaugural workshop of the Critical Theory in the Global South Project. On November 13, he and Professor Fenves led a teach-in for graduate students on the theme "Carl Schmitt: As his Own Most Enemy."

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