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May 27, 2017 | Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

Professor Coronado presented his paper "Tecnologías de la letra: grafoesfera, cultura popular y agencia indígena" at the 35th International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association.

June 2017

Professors Coronado and Vich began designing their collaborative syllabi. They also began deliberating over which pieces will be translated from Spanish into English.

November 10–13, 2017 | Northwestern

Professor Vich visited Northwestern for "Transformations of Critical Theory," the inaugural workshop of the Critical Theory in the Global South project. On November 13, he led a Spanish-language teach-in at Northwestern on the theme "Circulating Anarchisms and Marxisms in the Andes: A discussion of Marx and Mariátegui."

October 2018 | Northwestern

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow Sheyla Huyhua Muñoz has arrived at Northwestern and is working with Professor Coronado on the project syllabus. Welcome, Sheyla!

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Professor Vich convenes his teach-in at Northwestern on Marx and Mariátegui.

January 2019 | Northwestern

Professor Víctor Vich arrived at Northwestern on Monday, January 14th for nine days of collaborative meetings with Professor Jorge Coronado, Sheyla Liliana Huyhua Muñoz, and associated faculty members, graduate students, and undergraduate students. Professor Vich's visit to Northwestern included delivering two guest lectures in Professor Coronado's graduate seminar "Anarchisms and Marxisms in the Andes" as well as a public lecture on January 17th entitled “Performances medioambientales en el Perú contemporáneo.”



The anthology, Anarquismos y marxismos en los Andes. Textos esenciales, edited by Jorge Coronado, is in press with Editorial Plural, La Paz.

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