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March 15–24, 2017 |

Stellenbosch, South Africa

Professor Mwangi visited Stellenbosch to initiate the Mellon collaboration with Professor Steiner.


July 2017 |

Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies special issue on Indian Ocean Epistemologies call for papers.



September 2017 | Northwestern

Serah Kasembeli is now in residence and copy editing the Jabavu travelogue as well as attending classes. Welcome, Serah!



November 11–13, 2017 | Northwestern

Professor Mwangi and Serah Kasembeli participated in Transformations of Critical Theory, the inaugural workshop of the Critical Theory in the Global South Project. On November 13, Evan Mwangi, together with Professor Marisa Belausteguigoitia (UNAM), chaired a teach-in for graduate students on the theme "The Transnational Routes of Gender: Global South Reading Strategies and Critique in Feminist Theory."

January 18, 2018 | Northwestern

Serah Kasembeli, together with Northwestern doctoral students, has convened a reading group on Indian Ocean Epistemologies. 

January 2018

Professor Steiner (Stellenbosch), Dr. Jadezweni (Rhodes), Professor Higgs (British Columbia), and Professor Mwangi began editing Jabavu’s travelogue. Professor Steiner is in negotiations with the commissioning editors at Wits University Press, who have expressed interest in publishing the travelogue.

January 31, 2018 | Northwestern

Serah Kasembeli delivered her paper "Barrenness and Desire in Therese Benadé's Kites of Good Fortune and Rayda Jacobs's The Slave Book" to the Northwestern Program of African Studies. The paper is a part of Serah's research on the silences of Indian Ocean Slavery.


March 2018

Serah Kasembeli has completed her predoctoral fellowship at Northwestern and is now back at Stellenbosch University. During her stay, she transcribed Jabavu's travelogue, built a list of Indian Ocean Epistemologies resources, convened a reading group on the subject of Indian Ocean Epistemologies, and delivered a presentation on her work, all the while continuing to progress on her dissertation.

Dr. Steiner and Evan Mwangi after meeting with grad students. From left to right: Delali Kumavie, Dr. Mwangi, Dr. Steiner, Kritish Rajbhandari, Sureshi Jayawardene, and Mlondolozi Zondi.


June 12, 2018

Former Visiting Predoctoral Fellow Serah Kasembeli, having completed her doctorate, has published "The Ghosts of Slavery Still Haunt Us," an article in the newspaper Cape Times describing her doctoral research. Congratulations, Serah!

May 26–June 5, 2018 | Northwestern

Tina Steiner visited Northwestern to co-teach with Evan Mwangi sessions of their newly developed graduate-level course Indian Ocean Epistemologies, which the English Department and Comparative Literary Studies Program jointly offered during the 2018 Spring Quarter. During her visit, Professor Steiner also met with graduate students to discuss their work and gave a lecture, "Waterways and Intellectual Networks: D.D.T. Jabavu’s Voyage to India," hosted by Afrisem and delivered at the Program of African Studies.

Dr. Steiner delivering her talk at the Program of African Studies.


October 2018

"Indian Ocean Trajectories," the special issue of the journal of Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies co-edited by Professors Steiner and Mwangi, has been published and is available to read here.

January 2020

Former Mellon Predoctoral Fellow, Serah Kasembeli, recently published an article entitled "The South African Student #Fallist Movements" that builds upon work begun during her time at Northwestern. You can find the article here.

February 2020

The project's English translation of D.D.T Jabavu's travelogue In India and East Africa is now in publication and distributed in the United States by NYU Press. Details can be found here.


March 6, 2020 | Northwestern

The subproject participant Kritish Rajbhandari of Reed College returned to Northwestern's Evanston campus to present a talk entitled "Anarchival Drift and the Limits of Community in Indian Ocean Fiction."

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