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March 2017 | Yale

Professor Thayer visited Yale for 10 days, during which he and professor North made plans for their co-taught seminar and graduate exchange. During that week, North and Thayer also held a two-day workshop, “Transformations of Critique,” at Yale followed by a teach-in for graduate students on material developed in the workshop, with 30 students from English, History, German, Comparative Literature, French, and Philosophy.

June 2017 | Yale

Following the Mellon grant North was awarded with as part of the Critical Theory Initiative under the ICCTP, Yale awarded North with a $50,000 grant to expand the initative further. The funds were to be used for a series of master seminars for faculty and students at Yale given by visiting critical theorists.

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Professors Thayer, North, and Evan Mwangi (left to right) during the opening session of "Tranformations of Critical Theory."

October 2017

Professor North traveled to Chile where he delivered two talks and two seminars and met with faculty and graduate students from four universities (UMCE, Universidad de Chile, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and Insituto del Arte at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso).

November 10–13, 2017 | Northwestern

Professors Thayer and North visited Northwestern for "Transformations of Critical Theory," the inaugural workshop of the Critical Theory in the Global South Project, where they presented their work on the theme "Transforming Critique." Thayer, along with Eduardo Sabrovsky, also screened and led a discussion of Chilean director Raúl Ruiz's film La Vocation Suspendue.

February 2018

Thayer arrived in New Haven to co-teach an undergraduate seminar with North entitled “Walter Benjamin and Critical Theory in Latin America” as a pilot for their curricular cooperation. The translation of Thayer’s Book Technologies of Critique is published with Fordham University Press.

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