Critical Epistemology, Knowing
and the
Hacer Escuela/
Inventing School: Rethinking the Pedagogy of Critical Theory
Decolonizing Critical Theory
Technologies of Critique: New Sources for Critical Theory
After Foucault: Gender and Biopolitics in the Americas
Aesthetics and the Critique of Political Theology
in the
October 28–November 2, 2017 |
WiSER, University of the Witwatersrand
Professor Parkinson visited WiSER to plan her collaborative project with Professor Nuttall. On the first day of her visit, she presented to an audience of graduate students and faculty a talk on the theme of trauma, followed by a participant-led discussion of her book, An Emotional State, focusing on trauma in transnational contexts. On the following days, she met with independent artists as well as with graduate students from WiSER, among them Candice Jansen, to talk individually about their work. The topics of these meetings ranged from trauma in South African literature, figures of resistance and white complicity in apartheid-era autobiography, visibility, and "colored" photography, the subterranean history of the apartheid-era magazine Scope, Foucault and affect in sociological research, reframing the artist Princess Magogo kaDinuzulu, and how to negotiate between the image and the word in family biographies of persecution and exile in Jewish-Polish and South African contexts.
November 10–13, 2017 | Northwestern
Professor Nuttall visited Northwestern for Transformations of Critical Theory, the inaugural workshop of the Critical Theory in the Global South Project, where she and Professor Parkinson presented their work on the theme "Critical Memory," with a response from María del Rosario Acosta López (Philosophy, DePaul University). On the final day of the workshop, professors Nuttall and Parkinson led a graduate-student teach-in on the same theme.
September 2018
Nelly Richard’s Eruptions of Memory: The Critique of Memory in Chile, 1990-2015 (a translation of Latencias y estallidos de la memoria inconclusa. Chile: 1990-2015) is in production with Polity and will be available in December of 2018.
January 2019 | Northwestern
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow Candice Jansen has arrived at Northwestern for a five-month long collaboration with Professor Anna Parkinson, whom Candice will assist with the preparation of syllabus materials for a new class to be taught as part of this project. Welcome, Candice!
May 3, 2019 | Northwestern
To celebrate the publication of the new translation of Nelly Richard's Eruptions of Memory, the Critical Theory in the Global South project held a book launch workshop on May 3, led by the author of the book's Introduction, Professor Graciela Montaldo of Columbia Univeristy. The workshop included the participation of Northwestern Professors Anna Parkinson and Penelope Deutscher, amongst others, as well as undergraduate and graduate students from the University.
Fall 2020 | Northwestern
Anna Parkinson taught the graduate course “Trauma, Politics, and the Uses of Memory,” a course developed in 2019 with Predoctoral Mellon Fellow Candice Jansen (Fall 2020, Tues, 2:00-4:50pm, online/synchronous). For class syllabus, see here.
Professor Parkinson (third from left) meeting with WiSER faculty and students
Fall 2017 | Northwestern
"The translation of Nelly Richard’s Latencias y estallidos de la memoria inconclusa is underway! Richard’s book is a valuable primer on how memory is manipulated in neoliberal societies and of its uncontrollable residues.”
-Jean Franco (Columbia University)
María del Rosario Acosta López (Philosophy, DePaul University)
during "Transformations of Critical Theory."
Prof. Nuttall and Huey Copeland
during "Transformations of Critical Theory."
February 22–24, 2018 | WiSER, University of the Witwatersrand
Professor Parkinson visited WiSER to attend Entanglements and Aftermaths: Reflections on Memory and Political Time, a conference organized by the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs and convened by Sarah Nuttall and Debarati Sanyal (French, UC Berkeley). For a program of sessions and speakers, see here.
April 22, 2019 | Northwestern
The first of two readings groups organized to facilitate discussion of the English translation of Nelly Richard’s Eruptions of Memory, published as an initiative of the 'Trauma, Politics, and the Uses of Memory' subproject, was held at Northwestern University, with the second reading group scheduled for April 29. These reading groups were arranged in order to stimulate debate of Richard's book amongst Northwestern faculty and students in advance of a book launch workshop that will take place on May 3 and include the participation of the author of the book's Introduction, Professor Graciela Montaldo of Columbia University.
October 28, 2020 | Northwestern
In culmination of the Critical Theory in the Global South Mellon sub-project on “Trauma, Politics, and the Uses of Memory,” and in the context of the graduate course of the same name this Fall 2020 quarter, Professor Anna Parkinson (Northwestern University) and Dr. Candice Jansen (former Mellon Pre-doctoral Fellow at Northwestern and current Manager of Research and Exhibitions at the Market Photo Workshop, Johannesburg, South Africa) led a conversation on the role of visual media and capture in memorialization and protest in the context of the Global South (specifically in relation to Chile and South Africa). The session took place via Zoom on Wednesday, October 28, 2-4pm.